Best Productivity Planner for Sunday

 Best Productivity Planner for Sunday

How many times do we regret on Sunday mornings when we realise that ' I just overslept ' ?

Rather that getting up at 9 or 10 and regretting on it, why not just follow this clever Sunday Schedule?

Here is the best Sunday Schedule for that Sunday when you know you are staying home the whole day.

5:00 am :- Wake up, get refreshed and buckle yourself for a different Sunday. Not a big deal right? You can do it just sleep earlier a day before.

5:30 am :- Get yourself a cup of coffee or tea. A boost is always important and for maximum of us it's none other than a refreshing cup of coffee or tea.

6:00 am :- Exercise, workout or go for a jog. This is good for your health since at this time there are no pollutants in the air you breath while jogging. All you breath is pure air.

6:30 am :- Declutter, discard all those things that you don't need and will not need in future too. Clear your space.

7:00 am :- Get a shower. After all those workouts you may have sweat all over your body, could be the best place for germs.

7:30 am :- Catch up with ' today ' read news. Use newspaper instead of your smartphone.

8:00 am :- Get yourself a healthy Breakfast, it's important for you since what you eat in morning powers your body till end of the day.

8:30 am :- Complete your tasks like projects, presentations or homework. It will surely make you feel stress free the whole day.

9:00 am :- Catch up with your hobby, if you don't have one search for it since everyone needs one. It's best for you to explore your talents.

9:30 am :- Clean your wardrobe. You don't want your Monday to be ruined searching for clothing you need.

10:00 am :- Get some snack for yourself. Remember eat healthy.

10:30 am :- look out for some ideas. You can use your smartphone for it.

11:00 am :-  Read, Read, Read get motivated, learn something new.

12:00 pm :- Create to do list for Monday. Your Monday could be great if you complete all your tasks without forgetting any one.

12:30 pm :- Take a 30 min power nap. It's good for you to feel refreshed.

1:00 pm :- Lunch time. This is the best time for lunch considering all the aspects.

1:30 pm :- Wash dishes get clothes done. Get rid of it and you can relax.

2:00 pm :- TV time is best suited at this point of day. You can relax and enjoy.

2:30 pm :- Evening nap after all the work done you can sleep for an hour to make you feel fresh again.

3:30 pm :- Get up, wash your face. Get ready.

4:00 pm :- Sow some seeds in your Garden. The best thing that you can do at this time.

4:30 pm :- Smartphone time. Remember you have only 30 min window.

5:00 pm :- Get a cup of coffee or tea and some snacks. Refresh yourself and get going.

5:30 pm :- Go for a walk. You may feel bored so step out of the door.

6:00 pm :- Keep things ready for Monday. There is always something to do. It will ensure you do not skip anything important before stepping out of the door on Monday.

6:30 pm :- Clean the shelves, drawers etc there is always something to do.

7:00 pm :- prepare dinner or if someone else is there for you to do it then you can simply rest.

7:30 pm :- Dinner time. Keep your smartphone aside till you complete your dinner.

8:00 pm :- TV/smartphone time. You need it so relax yourself. You have 30 min with you, enjoy.

8:30 pm :- Read a book. Put yourself a habit of reading a book before going to bed.

9:30 pm :- Go to bed with a feeling of happiness since you utilised your whole day efficiently and the most important thing you have all your work done.

Thank you.


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